Two visual story tellers, individually known as Bruno Smoky and Shalak Attack, started their journey together as Clandestinos Art in 2010. Together they are dedicated to painting murals around the world by creating colourful narratives that unify both real and imaginary dimensions.
Clients and Collaborations
We have had the privilege of working in local, national and international creative projects over 20 years giving us an array of experience working with Communities, NGO's, Private and Public sectors, and an array of Businesses that have believed in our artistic, personal and professional approach.
Our Motivation
Our work is our purpose, our driving force. It's the reason we get up every day and do what we do. Most importantly, it keeps pushing us to achieve bigger and better things with each new challenge.
Our Values
Why count on us to deliver results? Because our company is more than just a business. Each person brings something different to the team, but there are a core set of values we all share.
Our Project
We're always working on something. Most of the time, we're focused on getting results for our clients. But every so often we get the chance to experiment with new concepts and ideas.
Our Team
We’re more than a bunch of experts. We’re a family of like-minded people, using our passion and our skills to make a difference.
Our Story
Like all great things, we started small. We took a few like-minds with a shared vision—and ran with it. Today, we’ve grown into something big.